Too Much Muriatic Acid in the Pool

Too Much Muriatic Acid in the Pool: Causes, Dangers, & Solutions

We all know how important muriatic acid is, hydrochloric acid, plays a vital role in maintaining the water pH balance and overall cleanliness. You must never use too muriatic acid in the pool, which will lead to many problems, negatively impacting the swimmers and pool infrastructure. If you are worried about too much muriatic acid…

Pool Pump Losing Prime Overnight

Pool Pump Losing Prime Overnight: Troubleshooting & Preventing

A pool pump losing prime overnight is one of the most frustrating issues you can ever face while having a pool. Having a pool is not only prestige but also maintaining it comes with some responsibility. You might already know that the pool pump’s role is to circulate water, filter out debris and ensure chemical…


Red Worms in Pools: Understanding, Prevention, & Removal

During the hot summer month, swimming pools are a source of fun & relaxation, but occasionally, you may spot unwanted visitors disturbing your oasis setting. One such unwelcome guest tends to be the presence of red worms in pools. Therefore, if you’re wondering ‘what red worms are in pools’ and how to remove them, this…