Do You Need Fins to Snorkel

Ultimately if you ask us, we will end up stating only a snorkel and mask for snorkeling.

But there is something else which you may (and may not) find the need during snorkeling.

It depends. It totally depends on your personal preference.

And that one thing is the fins.

Now if your head is banging hard against the question of do you need fins to snorkel; we got the exact answer with all proven and possible reasons whether or not you should be using the fins.

Do You Need Fins to Snorkel?

That is quite a common question.

Apparently, we have right and definitive answers backed with proven facts and figures enabling you to decide if you really need the snorkeling fins.

Reason #1: Do You Have to Wear Fins when Snorkeling?

It seems to be all up to you whether or not you need fins for snorkeling.

If you are picking the fins, they can enable you to cover long distances in a few thrusts.

This is just one a considerable reason to use fins when snorkeling.

Reason #2: Snorkeling Fins are Your Life Saviour

And that is right — snorkeling fins can save your life.

As they happen to have you rolling on the water surface without needing to move your arms.

If the weather is turning its shape, the normal thrust with your arms and feet cannot really help you to move out of the water instantly.

Then you can easily exaggerate how beneficial is to have the fins while snorkeling to avoid any unexpected calamity.

Reason #3: You Do Not Need to Move Arms

We tried every bit to avoid this headline but this very well suits the situation that we are about to unveil.

We better know how calm and relaxing the snorkeling activity is. And to have it enjoyed to its fullest, you need to gently stroke on the water surface.

Why is that so?

Becasue to explore the intriguing reefs right below you, and the fast jerks and thrusts would not help at all.

And the ability to breathe in and out even having your head buried down the water is another factor to enjoy the distraction-free snorkeling.

So, your arms and head would hardly move except the fins not disturbing you by any means. It is like moving static for miles after miles.

What is the Use of Fins in Snorkeling?

That is a myth, isn’t it?

Usage of fins in snorkeling is just as simple as it looks — it gives you tremendous thrust to move around, and maneuver with speed and power enabling the snorkelers to enjoy the long snorkeling sessions as they want.

The plain paddling i.e. snorkeling without fins can actually waste more energy while completing just a few meters.

Types of Snorkeling Fins

Snorkeling fins are never one in the size. And this factor is alone to admit you would also have different types of snorkeling fins at your disposal.

There we have six types of snorkeling fins to pick from. And all of them proportionally depend on your own personal preferences.

Let’s dig deep into all the types together.

  1. Open Heel Fins
  2. Closed Foot Fins
  3. Traditional Fins
  4. Travel Fins
  5. Split Fins
  6. Paddle Fins

Open Heel Fins:

Open heel fins work best in the cooler water. They seems relatively cushioned, having an adjustable strap to retain the proper fit, and are able to let you walk on the rough surface to reach to your snorkeling spot.

This type of fin is the better choice for the kids to wear it comfortably without turning loose. The parents are the ones who make them to wear, and the parents would be the who would untie them.

Closed Foot Fins:

Picking the closed foot fins, you just have to cate about the sitment. They have to be snuggy enough but not that tight to disturb your entire feet.

The closed foot fins work really well into warm waters, and are ideal to make thursts without jeopardizing the entire underwater world’s view.

But if you got a high arch, do not try this as they tend to be uncomfortable for such folks with high arch.

Now, invest your good time picking this fin type according to your foot’s build to make sure you do not waste your investment.

Traditional Fins:

And we know how they generally look — not appalling, sorry.

They do look like you got actuals fins rather than your real feet.

If any one laughs on you wearing the traditional fins, do not mind at all. 😀

Travel Fins:

Somewhat compact, and ideal for carry-on situations like if you travel a lot and going from destinations to destinations to enjoy and experience different spots of snorkeling.

For them, these travel design fins would be a perfect match.

They are relatively compact in size, so you can fit them into the suitcase and try out by wearing it instantly. But it falls under the underperformance fins so calm and slow snorkeling is better achieved using those travel design fins.

Split Fins:

The split fins make the kicking super convenience without causing the leg cramps. Using them would not let you feel fatigued and enjoy the long snorkeling sessions.

Paddle Fins:

The snorkeling spots generally have calm water but you cannot estimate when the weather turns out to become extreme and wild.

And when you are into the open sea, the first thing that you would come across is the strong current.

Or if you are confident to try snorking in the strong waves, paddle fins are super helpful to keep you floating with or against the currents without much pushing.

Differentiation of Snorkel Fins Size

Differentiation depends on the type of snorkel types. We cannot just make assumption of the right fins size because there we have different types of snorkels.

But to give you a hunch, here is a breakdown of the snorkels fins size;

Short Travel Fins: 15 to 20 inches

Traditional Snorkel Fins: 24 to 26 inches

These are just the estimated figures and not actual. Your feet size is the one that depends on what kind of snorkel fins would fit you.

Read: Is Snorkeling Dangerous? 12 Common Mistakes to Avoid

What to Look for in Snorkel Fins?

Do not just buy any other snorkel fins by looking at their designs.

There are rather critical factors to look for when picking the snorkeling fins for yourself.

What really are they? Let us make a list down here.

  1. Medium length baldes give enough power of thrust during snorkeling
  2. Blades should be flexible to withstand the sudden jerks without getting cracks
  3. Snug foot pocket to fit upright and do not turn loose

Now that you know and very well understand what you really need to look for in snorkeling fins; we believe this hunt of using the fins just concludes down here.

So, you must believe and wish to enjoy the snorkeling and being safe and sound.