How Much Do Snorkeling Tours Cost

Not an exact figure that we can hint out but how much do snorkeling tours cost is always judged by its average.

Yes, how come we can pinpoint the exact cost figure without actually reaching to the snorkeling beach?

Nevertheless, this myth is easily solved by the various facts and figures to come close to the average cost.

The cost that you can incur during the trip depending on the location you ought to visit.

Why to Do Snorkeling Tours Cost?

That may sound dumb raising this question from the very beginning.

We know Snorkeling and Tours are the opposite of each other.

While snorkeling involves the overwater or underwater swimming activity, the tour here is to take you to the snorkeling spot.

Not everyone lives close to the seashore. And not everyone has access to this beautiful underwater recreational activity being living close to the seashore.

But anyone living far away from the seashore, that does not necessary mean they do not have the right to experience snorkeling.

From picking the travel mode, all the snorkeling gears per person, hoteling, transportation, and every bit of it would be covered but not with the exact figures we must state. All you would get the average and that’s it. 🙂

How Much Do Snorkeling Trips and Tours Cost?

And it depends on different factors which take you form planning to execution.

On top of that, you have to set a margin as well if it is your first time visiting that snorkeling spot.

The spot if that is within the country limits.

Or the spot that is in different country, or probably in the different continent. Whichever is the situation, there is commonly a single mode of transportation to reach there.

Before we jot down the costing part, let’s first evaluate what steps generally involve in estimating the cost.

Read: Why Are Snorkels So Short?

1- Where is Your Snorkeling Spot Located?

First off, we need to pinpoint what is our snorkel spot to actually go for snorkeling.

The internet is the best resort to find the best snorkeling spots.

We got many auspicious snorkeling spots around the United States, isn’t it?

And we can pin a few locations such as Hawaii, Florida, and Californian beaches to name a few.

If looking for the best snorkeling states in USA, we got them covered separately.

These are just a few snorkeling spots that we have around the country.

Or if you are planning to explore the international snorkeling destinations; Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Maldives, and the Caribbean are few of the names with the attractive snorkeling beaches.

This is the first step out of how much do snorkeling tours cost, and is relatively expensive if you live far off the beach within the country.

Or it quadruples the expense if spotted in different country, onto the international location.

You either got the car or a flight to reach to the spot, and flight part eventually incurs the cost as per passengers’ count.

Here, moving with vehicle from a far state is far economical move than getting on the flight jam packed with all family members.

My Snorkeling Spot is at International Location

And that is your first problem you need to incur in advance. This is the first part that is heavily expensive and not all can easily afford its cost.

Having an extended family, most would just drop the idea of preparing to got to that international location.

In order to hit for that location, the die-hard snorkeling fans start preparation months ago to bear its cost.

Again, this is relatively and brutally expensive not everyone would easily afford.

A single ticket plus visa process may easily cost around a thousand (to more) bucks depending on the air tickets’ rate plus the ongoing season (summer is the prime time for snorkeling in many parts of the world.)

2- Buying the Snorkel Gears

One time investment and the snorkel gears are all yours.

The snorkel gears involve the following:

  • Snorkel mask
  • Snorkel tube
  • Snorkeling fins

And they are not really that expensive to buy as new.

Not only the snorkel gears you have to purchase but there are a few essentials you need to buy as well.

And they include;

  • Sun glasses
  • Sun-block creams
  • An action camera like GoPro (if you are an avid movie-capturing guy to record the underwater world)
  • Hats

What About Renting the Snorkel Gears?

Yes, that is doable and is super convenient because you do not have to take them with you in luggage, clean them, and store them after use.

However, we do not recommend this practice because of the solid reasons.

Corona outbreak. The snorkel tube goes directly into anyone’s mouth, so avoid renting the snorkel gears for your own safety.

The Overall Breakdown of All Snorkeling Tours Cost

We ought not to do the costing separately but list everything in one table including everything related.

Overall Snorkeling Tours Cost
Transportation1,000 miles on car ($180.00 to $400.00)With Flight to Europe ($200.00 to $800.00 round trip)
Snorkel Mask$20.00 to $200.00–
Snorkel Tube$20.00 to $80.00–
Snorkel Fins$50.00 to $200.00–
Renting Snorkel Mask (Daily)$3.00 to $5.00–
Renting Snorkel Tube (Daily)$1.00 to $3.00–
Rent Snorkel Fins (Daily)$4.00 to $10.00–
Renting Snorkel Mask (Weekly)$12.00 to $30.00–
Renting Snorkel Tube (Weekly)$7.00 to $16.00–
Rent Snorkeling Fins (Weekly)$16.00 to $38.00–
Sun Glasses$11.00 to $200.00
Sun Block Cream$5.00 to $40.00
Hats$11.00 to $18.00

So, these above figures are estimated in United States Dollar (US$) and backs one person.

Do not take them as the valid source to depend on planning your snorkeling trip (domestic or international) based on these figures.

They have margin of error and hence, we are not liable for this estimation to base your entire snorkeling trips’ cost.

And these snorkeling estimation does not involve the cost of hiring the private snorkeling companies offering their services.

Read: Long Fins vs Short Fins for Snorkeling — Which One to Pick?


Rest assured, our estimated figures are the good way to make up an idea of preparing the snorkeling tours cost.

But believe in the fact, these are just the estimated figures and are in no way to finalize your entire snorkeling tour cost at all.

When we have the cost measured/estimated with convenience not by asking the relatives but do it all by yourself.

So, get ready to explore the newest snorkeling spots locally and internationally.

Cost of snorkeling is different than planning its the tour itself.

Again, get the estimation done and enjoy the warm and cozy seawater snorkeling!