How to Get Rid of Mildew in Swimsuit

Summer is in full swing, and for many of us, that means hitting the beach or lounging by the pool in our favorite swimsuits. However, nothing can ruin the excitement of diving into crystal-clear waters like the unpleasant presence of mildew in our swimwear.

Whether it’s the musty odor or unsightly stains, mildew can quickly turn a summer staple into a source of frustration.

But fret not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the causes of mildew growth, provide practical tips, and arm you with the knowledge needed to banish mildew from your swimsuit.

4 Proven Methods to Remove Mildew from Swimsuits

If your swimsuit has already been affected by mildew, don’t worry. Several effective methods exist to eliminate mould and restore your swimsuit to its former glory.

1. Vinegar Solution Method

Create a solution by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water. Soak the affected area of the swimsuit in the solution for 15-30 minutes. Gently scrub the mildew spots using a soft brush or sponge. Rinse the swimsuit thoroughly with cold water and allow it to air dry.

Using the vinegar solution is an effective way to eliminate mildew from your swimsuit. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that helps remove the musty odor of mold.

It also helps prevent further mildew growth. Remember to rinse the swimsuit well after using the vinegar solution to ensure no lingering smell.

2. Baking Soda Method

The baking soda method is a natural and gentle way to remove mildew stains from your swimsuit. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that helps lift the stains without damaging the fabric. It also helps absorb odours, leaving your swimsuit fresh and clean. Rinse the swimsuit thoroughly after using the baking soda to remove any residue.

Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Apply the paste directly to the mildew spots on your swimsuit. Allow it to sit for 15-30 minutes to remove the mildew stains effectively. Afterwards, gently scrub the affected area with a soft brush or sponge. Rinse the swimsuit thoroughly with cold water and allow it to air dry.

3. Lemon Juice Method

The lemon juice method is another effective and natural way to eliminate mildew stains from your swimsuit. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which has bleaching properties and can help lighten the colors. It also leaves a fresh citrus scent on your swimsuit. After using the lemon juice method, rinse the swimsuit well to remove residual lemon juice.

Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the mildew spots on your swimsuit. Allow the lemon juice to soak into the fabric for 15-30 minutes. Lemon juice acts as a natural bleach and helps remove mildew stains. After that, gently scrub the affected area with a soft brush or sponge. Rinse the swimsuit thoroughly with cold water and allow it to air dry.

4. Chlorine Bleach Method

Note: This method is suitable for white swimsuits only. Do not use chlorine bleach on colored or patterned swimsuits, as it may cause discoloration or damage the fabric.

If a white swimsuit is affected by stubborn mildew stains, you can use a chlorine bleach solution to help remove them. Follow these steps carefully:

  • Fill a basin or sink with cold water.
  • Add the appropriate amount of chlorine bleach to the water according to the instructions on the bleach bottle. Typically, a ratio of 1/4 cup of bleach per gallon of water is recommended but always refer to the specific instructions.
  • Place the white swimsuit into the bleach solution, submerging it fully.
  • Allow the swimsuit to soak in the bleach solution for 10-15 minutes. Avoid leaving it for an extended period, as bleach can weaken the fabric.
  • Gently agitate the swimsuit in the solution to help loosen the mildew stains.
  • After the desired time has passed, remove the swimsuit from the bleach solution and rinse it thoroughly with cold water to remove any remaining bleach.
  • Rinse the swimsuit again with clean water to ensure all traces of bleach are gone.
  • Allow the swimsuit to air dry completely.

5 Prevention Tips to Make Your Swimsuit Mildew-free

Taking preventive measures can help you avoid the hassle of dealing with mildew in your swimsuit. Follow these tips to keep your swimsuit clean and mildew-free:

1. Proper Drying Techniques

After wearing your swimsuit, rinse it thoroughly with cold water to remove chlorine, salt, or any other chemicals. Gently squeeze out excess water without wringing the fabric, as this can stretch or damage it. Avoid drying your swimsuit under direct sunlight, as it can fade colors and weaken the fabric. Instead, choose shade drying or use a towel to blot excess moisture.

2. Follow Washing Instructions

Always follow the washing instructions provided by the swimsuit manufacturer. Hand wash your swimsuit using a mild detergent specifically formulated for delicate fabrics. Avoid using harsh chemicals, fabric softeners, or bleach, as they can damage the fabric and increase the risk of mildew growth. Rinse the swimsuit thoroughly after washing to remove any traces of detergent.

3. Avoiding Moisture and Humidity

Store your swimsuit in a well-ventilated area away from moisture and humidity. Avoid leaving it in a damp bag or locker for an extended period. Make sure your swimsuit is completely dry before storing it, as any residual moisture can promote mildew growth. Hanging the swimsuit on a padded hanger or laying it flat can help maintain its shape while it dries.

4. Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Periodically inspect your swimsuit for any signs of mildew or stains. If you notice any, promptly address them using the appropriate cleaning methods mentioned in this article. Regularly inspecting and maintaining your swimsuit will help prevent mildew from becoming a recurring issue.

5. Alternate Between Swimsuits

If possible, rotate between multiple swimsuits. This allows each swimsuit to dry between uses fully, reducing the chances of mildew growth. Having multiple swimsuits also extends the lifespan of each one, as they won’t be subjected to excessive wear and tear from constant use.

FAQs: How to Get Rid of Mildew in Swimsuit

Can I use the vinegar solution on colored swimsuits?

It’s best to avoid using the vinegar solution on colored swimsuits, as it may cause the colors to fade. Stick to the other methods mentioned in the article for colored swimwear.

How often should I wash my swimsuit?

You should wash your swimsuit after each use to remove chlorine, salt, and other residues. However, if you’re unable to wash it immediately, at least rinse it thoroughly with cold water.

Can I use the baking soda method for removing mildew?

While baking soda is generally safe for most fabrics, it’s advisable to test it on a small, inconspicuous area first, especially if you’re dealing with a delicate fabric.

Is it okay to machine-wash swimsuits?

It’s best to hand wash swimsuits to preserve their quality. Machine washing can be too harsh on delicate fabric and lead to damage or stretching.

Final Words

You can effectively remove mildew stains on your swimsuit can be easily removed with the right techniques and preventive measures.

By following the methods outlined in this article, such as using a vinegar solution, baking soda paste, lemon juice, or chlorine bleach (for white swimsuits only), you can tackle mildew stains and restore the pristine condition of your swimsuit.

Remember to approach each method with caution, considering your swimsuit’s specific fabric and color. Always test any cleaning solution or method on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire garment.