
During the hot summer month, swimming pools are a source of fun & relaxation, but occasionally, you may spot unwanted visitors disturbing your oasis setting. One such unwelcome guest tends to be the presence of red worms in pools.

Therefore, if you’re wondering ‘what red worms are in pools’ and how to remove them, this article is for you. In this article, you will be delving into the world of red worms in pools and exploring their causes, potential risk, preventive strategies, and effective methods for their removal. Therefore, if you are looking for effective strategies to remove these red worms from your pool and keep them at bay, adhere to this guide and read it thoroughly.

What Are Red Worms & How Do Red Worms End Up In Pools?

What Are Red Worms & How Do Red Worms End Up In Pools?

Red worms are nothing more than a type of earthworm commonly found in soil & compost, scientifically known as Lumbricus rubellus. They appear reddish brown with a cylindrical body & segmented appearance.

Like any other earthworm, red worms also play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter aerating the soil & enhancing its fertility. But if you’re wondering how they end up in your pool, it can be traced back to various factors.

One of the primary causes tends to be rainwater runoff. When it rains, red worms from the surrounding areas, like your lawn or garden, may get washed away into your pool due to the force of the water.

Another significant source of red worms can be contaminated soil. Plus, worms may find their way into your pool if you have built your pool on the ground previously housed with organic matter like compost or dense vegetation already present in the soil.

If this is the case, I recommend you consult a professional to assess the situation better and determine the best course of action to deal with it. However, if this is just one instance, you can easily prevent these worms by following the tips below. But before I tell you how to get rid of red worms from a pool, let’s talk about the risk & concerns associated with them in pools first.

Risks & Concerns Associated with Red Worms in Pools

Potential health risks

First, you should know that red worms don’t transmit diseases to humans. However, their presence in pool water poses some health risks. You may experience allergic reactions and irritation by contacting the red worms while swimming in the pool if you have sensitive skin. Also, the severity of the reaction can range from mild itching & redness to more severe symptoms for those with heightened sensitivities or allergies.

Damage To Pool Equipment & Infrastructure

Apart from the health concern, red worms in the pool can also damage your pool equipment and infrastructure. Since the worms have already found their way into the pool, It would take little time for them to find their way into the filtration system and clog it, impeding water flow and straining the pool pump. In addition, they are known for their burrowing activities, which will further weaken your pool surface, leading to cracks in the walls and other forms of structural damage.

3 Prevention Strategies for Red Worms in Pools

3 Prevention Strategies for Red Worms in Pools

Maintaining Proper Pool Hygiene

Ensure you maintain proper pool hygiene to prevent this issue from recurring. Regular cleaning and maintenance are important in preventing the infestation of red worms in pools.

Therefore, ensure you regularly vacuum and skim to remove debris, fallen leaves, and worms from your pool surfaces. In addition, ensure that you keep the pool free of any organic matter like grass clippings, leaves, twigs, or dead insects to help deter the red worms from entering your pool effectively. Improperly managed pools or pools with poor water quality or visibility often suffer from insect infestations and worms.

Monitoring & Maintaining Water Quality

Another thing that you need to consider is to monitor & maintain the water quality of your pool. Proper water quality can play a huge role in preventing the infestation of red worms into it.

Make sure you regularly test the pool water with a reliable testing kit and balance its chemical, including pH level, chlorine, & alkalinity, to create a less favorable environment for red worms to thrive. Also, maintain adequate filtration & circulation systems to ensure the pool water remains clean and less attractive to these worms.

Installing Physical Barriers

Another thing to prevent red worms in pools is using physical barriers. Physical barriers are effective in keeping red worms at bay and other organisms & insects from entering your pool.

Consider investing in a good quality pool cover that floats on your pool, protecting it from falling leaves, dirt, debris, and insects, including worms and other contaminants. You can also use a pool screen which will serve as a protective shield preventing worms from falling or crawling into your pool.

I will advise you to ensure that barriers are securely fastened to the pool with no gap or opening that worms can easily exploit. In addition, make sure you seal the potential entry points like drains or gaps in pools to reduce the chances of worms entering your pool.

Removing Red Worms from Pools

If you want to deal with the red worm infestation in the pool effectively, I recommend first identifying the signs of their presence. Notice visual cues like increased worm population, a cluster of worms on the pool wall & surface, or any sudden changes in water quality & clarity. It can be a clear indication of worm infestation. Therefore, take prompt action and prevent the infestation from worsening or causing further damage.

Manual Removal Methods

If you spot red worms in the pool, you can consider a manual removal method to alleviate this issue. I will advise you to take the help of a net to skim the pool’s surface and collect the worms carefully.

Alternatively, you can use the scoop but wear appropriate gloves to minimize direct contact with red worms or other organisms. After removing the worms, ensure that you drain & clean the pool thoroughly to eliminate any remaining worm removal and its eggs.

Chemical Treatments

You can also consider chemical treatments to remove red worms from your pool. Many types of sanitizers & algaecides are specially designed for pools to target and eliminate insects like worms effectively.

However, I will still recommend you first consult a professional or pool supplies store owner for an appropriate solution to Red worms. Also, ensure that you follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when applying these treatments. As I told you, you wear protective gear and use the recommended dosage to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

Seeking Professional Assistance

If the infestation persists or the worm infestation is severe, you might have to seek professional assistance. A pool maintenance professional or experienced person in pool pest control will help you provide expert advice and effective solutions tailored to your specific needs, pool type & conditions.

They will have the necessary knowledge and the appropriate tool to handle the situation safely & efficiently, minimizing the potential risk associated with red worms in pools.

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Indeed red worms in pools can be a very unpleasant & concerning issue for many pool owners. This is why I have covered every aspect of understanding the causes, risks & prevention strategies that can help you maintain a clean & enjoyable swimming experience.

Ensure you implement proper pool hygiene & monitor water quality while employing prevention measures to reduce the chances of red worms or insect infestations. In case of red worms in pools, I will advise you to use appropriate chemical treatment or prompt manual removal to restore your pool to its desired condition.

Always remember that regular maintenance & vigilance are key to preventing and addressing red worms in the pool while ensuring your swimming experience remains enjoyable and worry-free. Do check my other helpful guide on pool care and maintenance. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.