Should I Leave Solar Pool Cover On?

Solar pool covers are a great way to heat your pool and save on energy costs, but there is some debate over whether or not they should be left on all the time.

Some people say that leaving the cover on can damage the pool liner, while others claim that it keeps the water clean and free of debris.

This post provides you with the information you need to make the right decision about whether to leave the solar pool cover on or off.

Main Takeaways 

The main takeaways are the following there:

  • Solar Pool Covers are a great way to heat your pool and save on energy costs, but some say that they are bad for the pool liner.
  • There are some people who say that leaving the cover on all the time will cause damage to the pool liner.
  • If you decide that you will leave the cover on, it is best to remove it before going to bed, because if the cover is left on too long, it can cause the liner to rust.
  • There are a few ways that you can ensure that your pool liner will last longer.
  • The first thing that you can do is clean your pool liner.

Should Solar Pool Covers Be Left On During the Day?

Many people wonder whether or not they should leave the solar pool cover on. They think that it may do harm to the pool liner. However, it is not true that leaving the cover on all the time will do this.

If you decide to leave the cover on, it is best to remove it before going to bed. If you remove it during the night, the cover will be on for a long time. There is also a small chance that the cover will touch the bottom of the pool. When this happens, it will damage the liner.

A better solution is to use a solar pool cover tarp.

Should I Leave My Solid Pool Cover On During the Day?

Solar pool covers are a great way to protect your pool during the day. They are also great for providing shade in the summertime. Some pool owners leave their covers on all the time, but this can lead to problems. The covers may crack and leak, which may make your pool look unsightly.

They may also cause pool liner damage. Another problem that you may experience is when the cover touches the ground. When this happens, it can damage the flooring of your pool. If you decide to leave your cover on all day, it is best to take it off before going to bed. This will help to avoid damage. You may read also How To Remove Snow From a Pool Cover

When To Use a Pool Cover

A pool cover is an important accessory for any pool owner, as it helps keep the water clean and reduces the number of chemicals needed to keep the pool healthy.

There are many types of pool covers available, but the most common type is the solar pool cover. Solar pool covers work by using the sun’s energy to heat the water in the pool.

When The Pool Is Not In Use

You may need to remove the cover on your pool if the pool is not being used. You can also do this when you are planning to use the pool during the hot weather. When you are not using the pool, it is best to leave the cover in place.

If you remove it, you can save money and avoid the extra work of cleaning your pool. The reason for this is that the cover can collect dirt and debris that is floating around in the water.

The dirt and debris can accumulate in the pockets and crevices of the cover, which can affect how the pool looks. The cover is also useful when you have a small pool that is just for cooling purposes. You may read the complete guide on Do Solar Pool Covers Cause Algae

At Night

If you are not going to use the pool during the night, it is best to keep the cover on. This is because the cover will protect your pool from insects and other bugs that might be attracted to the water.

Insects and bugs can ruin your pool and its surrounding areas. It is also good to keep the cover on at night because it will protect your pool from being damaged by the sun.

The cover will prevent the sun from heating up the water too much. When you put on the cover during the day, you can decide whether you will use it during the night. If you will be leaving the cover on during the night, you can use a fan to circulate the air in the pool.

Windy Weather

Leaving your solar pool cover on during windy weather is the best way to prevent water from evaporating from your pool.

Wind can quickly remove the water from your pool, leaving it vulnerable to damage from the sun and elements. A solar pool cover will help keep the water in your pool while also providing insulation to keep the heat in. You may check out the guide on Best Robotic Pool Cleaner for Pebble Tec

In The Winter

Leaving your solar pool cover on during the winter is a personal decision that depends on a few factors. One factor to consider is whether your pool pump will be used during the winter.

If you do not plan to use your pool pump, leaving the solar pool cover on is a good way to keep the water from freezing. However, if you plan to use your pool pump during the winter, leaving the solar pool cover on can actually increase your electric bill.

A Few Benefits of Taking a Pool Cover Off During the Day

There are many benefits to taking a pool cover off during the day. One reason is that it allows the water to circulate more which helps maintain a healthy pool. It also allows chlorine and other chemicals to work more effectively.

Sunlight helps kill bacteria and other unwanted organisms in the water. Finally, it is a great opportunity to get some exercise by swimming or simply playing in the water. You may check also How To Drain Water From Your Pool Cover

Even Water Temperatures

If you have a swimming pool, you know that temperature matters a lot when you are planning to swim. If the water temperature is too low, you may have trouble staying afloat. Likewise, if the water is too hot, you may burn yourself.

It is always good to have a pool with water that is within the range of being comfortable. The average pool temperature is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that it is safe to swim in your pool at any time of the year.

Prolong The Life of Your Cover

Leaving your solar pool cover on during the winter can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to heat your pool back up in the spring. Not only will a cover keep your pool warmer, but it will also help to protect your pool from debris and dirt that can accumulate over time.

Better Balance In pH Levels

Solar pool covers are a great way to heat your pool and keep the water warm. However, leaving the solar pool cover on after the swimming season is over can cause problems with the pH levels in your pool. It is important to remove the solar pool cover and balance the pH levels in your pool before closing it for the winter.


Leaving your solar pool cover on all winter is generally a good idea. It will help keep your water temperature up, and it will reduce the amount of time you need to spend cleaning your pool in the spring.

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before making your decision. First, make sure that your cover is designed for winter use. If it is not, it could damage your pool liner.


Is it okay to leave a solar cover on a swimming pool?

It’s not a good idea to leave a solar cover on in the sun for a short period of time. The sun’s rays are able to penetrate through the bubbles because of the nature of a bubble cover. You may check out the full guide on How To Keep Pool Cover From Sagging

Should I take the solar cover off during the day?

The solar pool covers should be left off during the day to allow for heating of the water. Too much carbon dioxide in the water can make the water acidic, so pool covers should be taken off at least once a week. Pool covers should always be used at night if the pool is not used.

Can you leave a solar cover on a pool for a long time?

If the pool chemistry is good, solar blankets will last for about five years. They will start to fall apart eventually. The bubbles in the water will be the first sign that the solar cover is starting to wear.