What to Put Under an Above Ground Pool?

If you’re considering building an above-ground swimming pool in your backyard, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place before you start digging. You don’t want to end up with a swimming pool that you can’t get out of—and that means you need to know how to put it in.

In choosing what to put under your pool, consider the following:

What We Can Put Under Your Above Ground Pool?

1. Concrete Slab

If you’re thinking about putting an above-ground pool on your property, consider using a concrete slab as your foundation. This is a very sturdy and durable option that can support a lot of weight, and it’s easy to install. Plus, concrete doesn’t require any additional maintenance than traditional pools do. You may read also Winterizing an Above Ground Pool

2. Sand

Some people think that sand is the best material to use for an above-ground pool because it is soft and it doesn’t affect the pH of the water. Others believe that using a granular filter like Sand filters will remove more particles than a synthetic filter, so it might be a good idea to invest in one.

3. Pre-Cut Pool Pad

Do you want to keep your pool looking brand new year-round? Below ground pools require a lot of upkeep, including regular cleaning and inspection. One less job to worry about is your pool’s surface.

Pre-cut pool pads are the perfect solution for keeping your pool looking its best. They come in different sizes and shapes, and you can even pick one that matches the contours of your pool perfectly.

4. Foam

Under your pool, you can put a layer of foam to keep it tight and in place. Foam is also good for preventing erosion and protecting your deck from chemicals that may seep down into the pool. You may read also the guide on Best Battery for Hammerhead Pool Vac

5. Carpet

If you’re thinking of placing an above ground pool on your property, be sure to consider whether or not you’ll need to cover it with a carpet. While it’s possible to install a concrete pad and then have the surrounding soil removed, this can be expensive and time-consuming. A carpet instead offers several advantages: It’s more durable than soil, it doesn’t require removal or replacement, and it can be easily cleaned.

6. Nothing (Natural Ground)

When using natural and above ground pools, it’s not uncommon for the floor to shift or your pool to spill over into the water. If you do not use the natural or concrete ground as a base for your pool, consider installing a pool pad or foam tiles and utilizing the safest section of the yard. If you are looking for a stable, dry surface for your above ground pool, try to find a common, flat part of the yard that you use most often.


In conclusion, there are many items that can be put under an above ground pool. The most important part is choosing the right items that will provide stability and support. By following these tips, you can ensure that your pool is safe and secure. You may read the complete guide on Best Pool Brush for Pebble Tec


What is the best padding to put under an above ground pool?

Gorilla Pads are pre-cut floor pads designed to protect and cushion the bottom of the ground pool. The foam padding of old pool liners can be easily cut or punctured by grass, roots, or rocks beneath your ground pool liner; however, Gorilla Bottom pool floor padding is impervious.

Can you put cardboard under a pool?

If your objective is minimizing expenses without cutting corners, consider padding your pool with paper and cardboard, both of which are readily accessible (and free) from different recycling centers, secondhand merchandise stores, and your recycling container.